Have to remember about this

I almost forgot to post today, lol. If I want to keep it up I’ll probably have to set a reminder on my phone pr something.

I got another call from that Jersey City number again this morning. I blocked it this time so I shouldn’t get it again. Fortunately, I was able to go back to sleep.

As days go, today was pretty run of the mill. I went to work, got caught in the ran when I went for lunch, and then came home. The trains didn’t run too late so it wasn’t bad.

Alex texted me saying all is good and can’t wait to see me this weekend. I miss her and it’ll be good to see her too. I miss her when she’s away.

new journal

I’ve thought about starting a journal for a while now and figured if I don’t start now I may never. And keeping it on the web might not be a bad thing. This way, I can access it from anywhere, and update it in real time.

Also, none of you know me so I have nothing to fear or be embarrassed about.

Today started off horribly. I got woken up at 4:30 this morning by a Jersey City number. No one was on the other end when I answered.

Of course I couldn’t fall back to sleep. I stared at the ceiling for about an hour before I finally got out of bed.

I went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee while I watched the news. Same old crap as every other day. I flipped channels and stopped on the Discovery channel. They had some show about shark attacks in a New Jersey river almost a hundred years ago. Supposedly Peter Benchley used it for the basis of his novel Jaws.

After I finished my coffee, I ironed my clother for today and hopped in the shower. To be honest, it felt good not to have to rush. Not that I normally rush. But I do have my morning routine down to the minute. Otherwise I will miss my train into the city and I’ll have to wait almost 20 minutes for another.

The commute into the city was bad; most of the people in the quiet car remained quiet amd we pulled into Penn Station New York only 12 minutes late.

Work was went well today. I had only a few QA tickets to work on, with no real issues to block progress.

The commute home ran only 5 minutes late. There was a blackout in the town next to mine so I had to take a small detour around because of traffic lights that were out.

For dinner, I heated up some leftovers from Saturday night from when Alex and I went out. She left her curry chicken here so I figured I could have it. Since she’s away on business this week, I think she would rather me eat it than have it go to waste.